Legislation and Legal Opinion Commission - About Us

About Us


Improving legal work in the Kingdom of Bahrain, creating members capable of keeping pace with developments in the legislative system, and making legal information available to everyone.


Formulating legislation and expressing legal opinions to all state institutions through neutral technical members in order to consolidate the principles of the constitution and the rule of law in the Kingdom of Bahrain.


Legal work is considered the main backbone of the body of legislation and legal opinion, as it constitutes one of the most important tributaries that contribute to achieving the will and aspirations of society. Hence, the Commission has drawn up a mission and vision for itself that embodies both the national economic strategy and the economic vision of the Kingdom of Bahrain, which set a long-term vision for the future paths of the Kingdom.
This vision reflects the ambitions drawn up by the economic vision and the national economic strategy, when they emphasized that the fair application of laws and achieving the highest levels of quality and consistency in regulations and laws enhance investors’ confidence in the free market economy in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Expressing an abstract and independent legal opinion represents a form of fair, sound and unbiased application of laws, while developing legal rules aims to modernize legislation, ensure its quality and consistency, and raise its competitiveness by improving the quality of legal texts, simplifying their formulation, updating their terminology, reducing the inflation of legislative texts, and ensuring a minimum stability of legal rules.
The specialized professional framework for the Commission’s technical work achieves the goal sought by the vision, for Bahraini society in 2030 to be a merit-based society through the qualification of distinguished cadres characterized by professionalism and competence in the legal field. Likewise, “Excellence in legal work according to the latest changes” reflects the ambitions set forth in the Economic Vision of the Kingdom of Bahrain 2030. Excellence in legal work achieves uniqueness and positive excellence in legal performance, practices and services. All of this and more will be reflected positively in developing effective government policies and providing high-quality services.
Finally, the vision seeks to combine collective efforts in facing future challenges so that we can reap the fruits of the reforms that are being implemented today in light of what was decided by the National Economic Strategy, which requires that the government ensure the high quality of laws in all areas related to policy development, control and supervision in cooperation with the relevant institutions.